Eat that Rainbow!

We’ve all heard the saying “eat the rainbow” but what does it even mean and why should we?

What is Eating the Rainbow?

In a nutshell it simply means eating a wide variety of different coloured wholefoods; predominately our fruits and vegetables.

In the UK, it is recommended we have at least 5 portions of a variety of fruit and veg per day. This figure changes depending on the country you are in. At mealtimes, half of your plate should be fruit and veg.

5 is a good amount, but 10 is even better!

How many of these can you eat a week?

How many portions do you eat a day? (I eat alot and I’ll share an easy way later to do this).

Why Should I Eat The Rainbow?

Different coloured plants have different levels of antioxidant phytonutrients, which can help with disease prevention, boost the immune system and help with our detoxification processes.

Phytonutrients are also found in nuts, seeds, beans, peas, lentils, wholegrains, herbs and spices.

Each colour has its own set of unique disease fighting nutrients. So the more you eat (and, just as important) the more varieties you eat, the more you are benefitting your health!

This has been shown to reduce the risk of chronic diseases such as obesity, cancer, type 2 diabetes, heart disease and high blood pressure.

Shocking stats don’t you think?

Whole fruits and veg also contain fibre, which is important for our gut health. It has now been discovered that serotonin (our feel good hormone) and our immune system are made in the gut. Just another reason why its important to eat those veggies!

What Colours Help With What?

  • Red = reduce cancer risk, boosts immune system, brain and heart health (apples, tomatoes, cherries, pomegranate, watermelon, raspberries, red potatoes, red peppers)
  • Orange = eye and skin health, immune system (melon, carrots, peaches, sweet potato)
  • Yellow = anti-inflammatory, eye, skin, brain and heart health (banana, pineapple, lemon, sweetcorn, yellow peppers)
  • Green = anti-inflammatory, liver, brain and heart health (broccoli, cabbage, kale, spinach, kiwi, avocado, cucumber, peas)
  • Blue and Purple = anti-inflammatory, anticancer, anti-ageing,brain health (blueberries, grapes, aubergine, red onion, blackberries, beetroot)
  • White and tan = anti-inflammatory, liver, hormone health (cauliflower, garlic, white beans, white onions, mushrooms, potatoes)
I find fresh produce looks so enticing to eat!

Tips To Eating The Rainbow

  • Always have frozen fruit and veg to add to smoothies or to cook with so you have a bountiful supply that lasts longer than fresh
  • Keep fruit in sight for easy access
  • Have smoothies and smoothie bowls regularly and add in leafy greens for an added health kick that you wont even taste (promise!)
  • Have crudities for lunch and snacks (an easy win for quantity and variety)
  • Add fruits to your breakfast to start the day strong
  • Add a side salad to your main meal or lunch
  • Eat as many salads and homemade soups as you can as you can add so many veggies easily to either
  • If you still find it difficult to get your quota of fruits and veggies, we stock wholefood blends of fruits, vegetables and berries in an easy to swallow capsule. By taking these 3 capsules daily you would have 30+ varieties of fruit and veg a day. We also have a vegan and gluten free protein powder with 17 varieties of fruit, veg and wholegrains. (Ask me more about this in the comments as these currently also give you free access to an amazing online health and wellness portal too!)
My beautiful salad jam packed full of veggies, colours and varieties
Our beautiful wholefood capsules help you to increase your fruit & veg intake daily by 30+ varieties

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